Saturday, 19 September 2015

DIY Cuticle and nail moisturiser

I am going out tonight and i just realised that my cuticles are awful. I tend to pick at them so you can imagine how horrible they are. I'll spare you the picture.  I don't have any cuticle cream at the moment so I decided to make some. I love this home remedy I think  it is equal to any expensive product and virtually free.

Here' what you will need:

To start with I put about 5 table spoons of lard into my cup. All these measurements aren't exact so just adjust them if you feel you should. Also I noticed that most recipes use olive oil however I preferred to use lard as it has more of a cream like consistency.

I then put this in the microwave for about 1 minute to melt it down a bit but you need it completely liquid. You just want it to be a consistency where you can easily mix ingredients in.

Next i stabbed a hole in the omega 3 tables so that I could mix in the fish oil. I just used three so not to make the mixture too liquid. I also added in some vanilla scent because this mixture smells really bad. At this point you could also add some spices to add some colour. Sppices work much better as food colouring is likely to leave a stain on your skin.

Next I added sugar just so I could have a scrub element to my cuticle cream. I added about 2 tea spoons off sugar and I found this to be the perfect amount of scrub.

Next I put it in the crush so it would return to a cream like consistency. You have to leave it for about 10 minutes. 

This makes about a shot glass full of cuticle cream and I don't think you can make much more because if you leave this product for too long it will go bad.

So that's how I make my cuticle cream. Let me know if you try it :)

Love Emma x


  1. Oooo sounds interesting I need to give this a try! thanks for sharing:) Do you want to support each other's blog by following each other?:) Please let me know if you do so I can follow you right back x


  2. Haha. Thanks but don't eat it :)
